Category Archives: Bikes & Cycling

Everything to do with bikes and cycling.

The Ten Essential Truths of Cycling

If you’ve been cycling for some time, you’ll no doubt have concluded that there are some essential truths about riding bikes. As I pushed up a hill into the wind yesterday, with the sun hammering down in 90-degree heat and soaring humidity, I occupied my mind by listing the ten most common ones.

by Tamia Nelson | May 28, 2019

If you’ve been cycling for some time, you’ll no doubt have concluded that there are some essential truths about riding bikes. As I pushed up a hill into the wind yesterday, with the sun hammering down in 90-degree heat and soaring humidity, I occupied my mind by listing the ten most common ones. These Truths are valid for rural cycling:

1. The wind is always in your face.

2. There are always dogs.

3. Vicious dogs will come at you when you’re climbing a steep grade.

4. If by some stroke of freakish good luck there are no dogs, then there will be chickens (I prefer the chickens!).

5. There’s always broken glass on the … Continue reading »

Shopping by Bike: How to Use Panniers to Haul the Load

So you’ve decided you’re going to try doing your food shopping by bike, and are ready to load up the panniers. Good for you! This time around, Tamia offers some tips on how to do just that. Practice makes perfect!

by Tamia Nelson | June 15, 2018

If you’re going to try grocery shopping by bicycle, then good for you! This can be a healthy and rewarding way to bring home the bacon, or any other foods you fancy. And if you’ve outfitted your bike with panniers to do the job, you may have a number of questions about how to pack everything for the trip home. Last week I answered some of the most often expressed questions I’ve been asked by the uninitiated watching me load upat my local HyperMart. But Shopping by Bike: Your Questions Answered dealt with the very first steps of how to get a bike set up as your mule, and there’s more to making this work than having the right kit, plan, and mindset.

This time around I’ll touch … Continue reading »

Got You Covered! The Many Virtues of Rain Covers, Even on Dry Rides

Unless your bike’s handlebar bag and panniers are really, truly waterproof — and maybe even if they are — rain covers are worth the added weight and bulk, especially on grocery runs. Here’s why.

by Tamia Nelson | May 23, 2015

While some bike panniers and handlebar bags come with rain covers, others do not, and that’s too bad. Rain covers do more than keep your gear dry. They also…

Keep your load light.  Unless your bags are made from truly waterproof fabric, with sealed seams and bombproof closures (mine aren’t), a hard shower can add pounds of water weight to your load.

Keep your stuff clean.  A surprising amount of road dust finds its way into unprotected panniers and handlebar bags, even when you’re riding on asphalt.

Help keep your stuff cool.  Light, bright colors reflect sunlight. Dark colors absorb it, turning your bags into mini-ovens. Light is right. On tours, your electronics and chocolate bars will thank you for caring. And if you’re making a grocery run, the food won’t be cooked … Continue reading »

In Solitude What Happiness? Tips for Cyclists With Stay-at-Home Partners

Is your partner a confirmed couch potato. No? And would you like a little company on the lonely road? You would? Well, the road is waiting for you both. What are you waiting for?

by Tamia Nelson | April 2, 2019

… In solitude
What happiness? Who can enjoy alone,
Or all enjoying, what contentment find?

— Milton, Paradise Lost

That was Adam’s view, anyway—though we all know how his story ended. Still, there’s no doubt that it’s fun if your partner shares your enthusiasms. And cyclists certainly aren’t condemned to a solitary life. But what if your life companion doesn’t show much interest in two-wheeled travel? What then?

Well, you can simply acquiesce and accept things as they are. And sometimes that’s the best course. After all, can two cycle together, except they be agreed? Not likely. But if you detect even a nascent spark of interest, it may be worth trying to coax it into a flame. And here are a few suggestions to help you kindle that fire:

Make Sure the Bike Fits Let’s … Continue reading »