Outside Afoot

I’m taking a hike. I’m hitting the trail. I’m heading out. What do you feel when you hear any of these statements? A desire to pull on your hiking boots? A wish to pack up your rucksack and head out the door? A thrilling shiver up the spine and a sense of adventure? So do we. What’s your fancy, then? A stroll through the woods, or a brisk march along a windy beach? Perhaps a scramble up a rocky crag, or snowshoeing through deep powder snow. Or maybe you’re a wildlife watcher and head out in search of the ultimate photo. We hear ‘ya. These are all activities close to our hearts, too, and we’ve written extensively about them. Below is but a small sample of the very many articles we’ve published in the last 20 years.

Wavy Line Spacer - (c) and TM Tamia Nelson/Verloren Hoop Productions


Wildlife and the Natural World

Ethics and Commentary

Cross-Country Skiing Trip - (c) Tamia Nelson - Verloren Hoop - Tamiasoutside.com