Put a Sock in It… Your Toolbox, That Is

This ain’t no sock puppet, nor an expensive piece of high tech equipment, but you can’t beat it for getting the job done.

by Tamia Nelson | May 4, 2018

If you’re looking for the best rag ever for cleaning a bike, look no further than your worn out socks. I have a box full of old cotton crew socks with a terry cloth footbed, and they’re perfect for the job. Just turn the sock inside out, slip it over your hand, dip it into sudsy warm water, and give your bike a rub-down. What could be simpler? Better still, I’ve a lifetime supply, and these rags are free!

Socking It To You - (c) Tamia Nelson - Verloren Hoop - Tamiasoutside.com

Verloren Hoop Colophon - (c) and TM Tamia Nelson/Verloren Hoop Productions